What can you do to prepare now, for a return to business?

In the context of the Covid-19 outbreak, the duty to remove or minimise health and safety risks in your business has become harder. When lockdown measures ease, businesses will need to have a plan on how they will manage risks and protect workers and customers before they start operations.

At Alert Level 3, workplaces can be reopened if the work cannot be done from home and the workplace can operate consistently with public health guidance.

Many businesses are still unable to operate under Alert level 3. Businesses will be required to work from home unless that is not possible. If you are one of the businesses that are able to return to work, you will need to think about the following safety measures:

Keeping your workplace, and the people you work with safe

At Alert Level 3, workplaces can be reopened if the work cannot be done from home and the workplace can operate consistently with public health guidance. However, there cannot be contact with the public.

For more information on what business can operate and how to comply visit the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website.

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