Get on the Financial Fast Track with - September Webinar Series
During uncertain times, at we know that creating certainty helps you take control! That’s why we’ve put together a free webinar series to help you focus on getting on the financial fast track with your plans. Join financial strategist and founder Hannah McQueen as she delves into three important topics: your mortgage, your retirement, and your wealth plan. Get Mortgage-free Faster Thursday September 23rd, 7pm Learn the pillars for financial success and what to focus on to get mortgage-free FAST. Register here. Get Retirement Ready Tuesday September 28th, 7pm Work out what you’ll need for retirement, options to bridge any the gap, KiwiSaver considerations and how to get started on your retirement plan. Register here. Grow Your Wealth Thursday September 30th, 7pm Learn the key elements to creating a wealth plan - including whether property investment and managed funds. Register here. Pick the financial goal that meets your needs or come to all of them to make a long-term financial plan – and if you can’t make it on the night, we’ll send you a recording after the event – easy! We hope you can join us, |